In THE GIVING MYTHS, author Dr. Steve McSwain makes a compelling case that your highest purpose in life is to give yourself away and generously share your abundance with the world. The life you’ve always wanted isn’t found in career choice, personal achievements, or even the amount of money you may make in a lifetime. Instead, it’s found in one of the simplest, yet most challenging principles ever given. If you miss this principle, you’ll miss the life you’ve always wanted.
For more than a decade, Dr. McSwain has crisscrossed America speaking to thousands of people each year and meeting and consulting with hundreds of religious institutions and philanthropic organizations. His conclusion? The happiest and healthiest people are those who have learned to be outrageously generous with their resources and their lives.
In an age of unprecedented wealth and record charitable giving, this book is as timely as the morning news. Identifying the 7 most common myths about giving that keep people from being generous, Dr. McSwain shares through real-life stories and practical, step-by-step guidance how to find the meaning of life. If you’re looking for happiness and significance in life, this book is a “must read.”
Religious Leaders If you want to know why giving is so poor, this book will help you understand and develop strategies for changing the culture of giving in your church. After reading this book, a minister in one of the largest churches in America said, “This book is so important, I’m going to see to it that a copy gets into every household in our church.”
Leaders in the World of Philanthropy and Fundraising Any person in development needs to know what motivates people to give and, perhaps, most importantly, what myths about giving may be keeping donors from being generous in their giving.
Ordinary People Looking for Significance in Life Scores of people are entering or will be entering retirement years soon and, while most of them have accumulated lots of material stuff, many feel as if their lives have little meaning or significance. Dr. McSwain believes it’s never too late to find and live the life you’ve always wanted. This book will show how.
“Every person who is serious about finding fulfillment in their remaining years will want to read this book.” – Dr. Jack Jackson,Baptist Minister in Tennessee
“Every person who is serious about finding fulfillment in their remaining years will want to read this book.”
– Dr. Jack Jackson,Baptist Minister in Tennessee
“…a wealth of knowledge and experience on the topic of giving…” – Mr. Curt Farmer,Senior Vice President and Wealth Management Director,Wachovia Bank in North Carolina
“…a wealth of knowledge and experience on the topic of giving…”
– Mr. Curt Farmer,Senior Vice President and Wealth Management Director,Wachovia Bank in North Carolina
“…this book challenges the most ostentatious aspects of our culture…a compelling read both critical and affirming…” – Dr. Larry Hayward, Presbyterian Minister in Virginia
“…this book challenges the most ostentatious aspects of our culture…a compelling read both critical and affirming…”
– Dr. Larry Hayward, Presbyterian Minister in Virginia
“A great read and one that might just change your life.” – Dr. Kristine Miller,Episcopal Church Leader
“A great read and one that might just change your life.”
– Dr. Kristine Miller,Episcopal Church Leader
“…the original ‘Mythbuster’…a great read.” – Dr. Glenn Martin,Author of 16-plus books and Minister from California
“…the original ‘Mythbuster’…a great read.”
– Dr. Glenn Martin,Author of 16-plus books and Minister from California
“…this book offers rich lessons for us all.” – Dr. Susan Patterson-Sumwalt, Methodist Minister in Wisconsin
“…this book offers rich lessons for us all.”
– Dr. Susan Patterson-Sumwalt, Methodist Minister in Wisconsin
“Lots of people tell me, ‘You have to read this or that book.’ I’m glad I read this one.” – Dr. Paul Ulring,Lutheran Minister in Ohio
“Lots of people tell me, ‘You have to read this or that book.’ I’m glad I read this one.”
– Dr. Paul Ulring,Lutheran Minister in Ohio
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