All structures…foundations…all pillars of faith….in other words, all beliefs are uncertain, temporary, and they are not…I repeat…they are not …
Or, so said Saint Francis. Rumi, the Sufi poet put it slightly differently, “What you seek is seeking you.” And, Jesus said, “Seek first the …
"The goal of the spiritual path," writes Matthieu Ricard in his bestseller, Happiness, "is to transform ourselves,” and we do that, he says, by …
What Is the Single Greatest Spiritual Truth You Have Ever Learned? I got asked that question today and, after thinking for a moment, I suppose I …
NDE - Near Death Experiences. Heaven. Hell. Questions about whether there is actually life beyond the grave invite such debate. Immense …
Why am I so seldom satisfied with where I am? Why does over there always appear more enchanting than right here? Why is it that I look forward…
“To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wildflower; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.” -- …
Fr. Thomas Keating, the Trappist monk, said "Discernment is a process of letting go of what we are not." "Discernment" is yet another word, …